



Construction Management

In addition to project Management and engineering, we deploy experienced construction and commissioning management specialists and fabrication inspection teams. The resulting comprhensive combination of services allows SICCL to provide assistance through all phases of a project, from conceptual study through start-up, for our clients.

We also assist in developing strategies and field architectural concepts with regards to impact on fabrication, transportation, installation, hookup and commissioning activities.



Our Service



In today's world of increased complaxity and specialites, our goal is to provide high quality service; innovation in design and planning, cost effective and functional projects, as well a dedicated response to our clients.

SICCL is experience in variety of disciplines including structural, civil, transportation, and utility infrastructure and engineering; construction mnagement; funding programs; information technology (IT); building envelope; mechanical and electrical engineering, as well as architectual design.



We take pride in our professionalism and a re commited to the provision of best quality of services to our clients.

As far as possible we seek to develop our own management procedure using in-house staff resources to ensure that our processes are cost effective and suited to the nedds of both our company and our clients.

Our QA/QM systems are evolving constantly in accordance with emerging industry standards and the nature of SICCL's business.

